How much fun can I have with a beard trimmer?

sasquatchI bought a beard trimmer to trim my pubic hair.  Granola Girl is in fits, but I’ve managed to bury her deep within my psyche for the time being!  Anyway, I’ve tried shaving my bikini line with razors before and I really only end up butchering myself.  Problem is, if I let everything grow out completely (as Granola Girl would have me do), then I feel like Sasquatch!  I don’t think Sasquatch gets much oral sex.

So the beard trimmer is an experiment in hair maintenance.  Theoretically it should allow me to shave all the parts that I like shaved (pubic lips and above the clit), and keep fuzzy all the parts that I like fuzzy (everything else).  It comes with all kinds of cool attachments, which makes it tempting to do designs and shit in my bush.  I thought of etching out a peace symbol.

It also occurred to me that I could trim other people…hmmm, like maybe the hubby!  He lets the hair above his cock grow out, and I’ve often wondered what it would look like shaved off.  I think tonight’s the night, ladies and gentlemen, that I find out.  He’s already agreed, in theory, to letting me shave him many times.  On the off chance that he changes his mind, though, I’ve already offered to take him out for beers tonight.  The plan will be to get him buzzed, and THEN suggest that I trim him up a bit before giving him a blow job!  Should work, wouldn’t ya think?