Gay Bathroom Sex

So I’m working on a couple of stories, and I have to admit that all my characters who are having sex are gay men. Last night, in fact, I wrote the first sex scene in one story, and it had my two male protagonists kissing in the men’s room. They almost had sex, but one backed out, leaving the other one to jerk off on the urinal cake. Now, I’m a 50 something bisexual woman, so I know a little about bathroom sex with other women, but I really don’t know jack shit about what gay men are going to do in a bathroom. (I never trust what I see in porn either.) And yet I keep speculating about it.

I mean, where do you whack off in a men’s room? Do you go in the stall, or the urinal? Do you wait until no one’s in there, or is having someone in there the point? Who knows. I’d do research in person, but would probably freak guys out cause I look like someone’s cute 50 something mom. So lacking solid evidence, I’m just going with what my inner gay guy would do. He’s a redneck with a mullet and a big dick.

He follows his love interest (who has just soiled a dress shirt with red jelly) into the men’s room. Their eyes lock during the stain removal process, and they kiss. The love interest is kind of a tight ass FBI agent (long story), so he backs away with the classic “Not here”, leaving our redneck hero with a hard-on at the urinal. He goes ahead and jerks off, aiming for the urinal cake. Rather than thinking about male figure skaters during the whacking, he thinks about his FBI agent. Romantic.

That all seems totally realistic, right?