Sex with Myself in Unusual Locations

After Silver’s post about sex in unusual locations, I started thinking about where all I’ve done it, etc.  It occurred to me, though, that my list of “unusual locations” mainly centered around places where I’ve masturbated.  You can be so much more discrete by yourself!  I’m also like the female equivalent of premature ejaculation; I can whack off in a minute.  Fortunately, unlike many of my male brethren, I can keep whacking off over and over again!

I’ve masturbated in the same sauna that Silver and I were in the other day.  I’ve occasionally closed the shower curtain in that same locker room and done it there, too.  I’ve also hit:

1)    A yoga ashram

2)    Many coffee shop bathrooms

3)    Public hot tubs

4)    Hiking trails

5)    Movie theatres (cliché, I know)

6)    Spas (once while my face mask was drying during a facial)

7)    Sex toy stores

8)    A few libraries

9)    30th floor of a Manhattan office building (on Wall Street in fact)

10) A science lab

The list goes on and on, but you may notice a trend in that I gravitate towards my places of employment.  It helps me focus, and is much healthier than coffee!  My current favorite is the college rest room where I work.  I can start an exam, dash to the potty, and be back in my chair before anyone knows that I’ve left.  Wanna see?  Ok, hang on…

(elevator music playing in background)

Oh yea…that was good!

4 thoughts on “Sex with Myself in Unusual Locations”

  1. Ok, I just want everyone to know that when I typed that list, I DIDN’T put the smiley face in…I put in the number 8. Smiley appeared out of nowhere, but I decided to leave him since I am technically a college librarian, and he’s laughing at the word libraries. The universe does have a sense of humor 🙂

  2. OMG that is nuts that find registered sex offender shows up weird. I have masturbated in crazy places too, not as crazy as you tho. 😀

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