Locker Room Fantasies

I was a little nervous visiting E at work, not sure what I could get away with and all. Her body was beautiful and she was so confident. Don’t let her fool you, her breasts may not be huge like mine but they are gorgeous in their own right. Incredibly relaxed after our swim and hot tub, we slid on into the sauna sat close in on the wood bench in the twilight, furtively smooching. Watching the sweat bead on her chest and neck in the sauna just about drove me crazy! I can’t wait to be the one to make her sweat. J

After the swim, she talked while she showered, leaving the curtain open for my enjoyment. I wanted to jump right in there with her, pushing her up against the wall and rubbing my breasts all over her. But I didn’t, for fear of giving a cardiac to the poor old ladies in the locker room. Our conversation was probably stimulating enough for them!

Next week I’m taking her for a picnic in the back of my van. Any ideas on romantic picnic food (of course Redi-whip, Lollie)? Or should I even bother bringing food…